Vision, Governance & Awards
Value Statement
St. George Plantation Owners' Association values:
A mutual respect for our owners, visitors, employees, and surrounding community
A focus on our unique, tranquil coastal experience, while preserving and enhancing our treasured environment
A conservative financial approach to achieve fiscal stability and protect investments
An open communication and operational transparency in the management of our affairs
The consistent enforcement of equitable policies, Covenants and By-Laws that are an expression of our shared community vision
Vision Statement
The Plantation will strive to become the Florida Panhandle’s gated community and destination of choice. It will attract both owners and vacationers to enjoy pristine beaches, distinctive low-density accommodations, healthy lifestyles amenities, and our treasured ecosystem, all in a well-managed and maintained secure coastal environment.
Mission Statement
The St George Plantation Owners’ Association exists to serve the diverse needs of property owners of the Plantation–a unique, coastal gated residential community. Through high-quality administrative and management services, SGPOA invests in infrastructure and facilities to enhance the community, provides reasonable assurances of safety and security, ensures impartial enforcement of covenants, and manages the natural assets of our distinctive ecosystem. Adopted 2013.
Governing Documents
The term “governing documents” refers to documents that govern a common interest development, such as the St. George Plantation Owners’ Association (SGPOA). The most recent copies of the SGPOA Governing Documents are listed below:
Articles of Incorporation
Compilation of By-Laws
Compilation of Protective Covenants
Complete List of Policies
Our Awards & Programs
Florida Communities of Excellence Awards
The St. George Plantation Owners’ Association was named as a 2015 Communities of Excellence Award winner for Financial Innovation – Policies and procedures to ease the impact of financial burdens during challenging economic times.
The St. George Plantation Owners’ Association was named as a 2014 Communities of Excellence Award winner for Florida-Friendly Landscaping Category.
The Florida Communities of Excellence Awards is a unique recognition program that shines a spotlight on the positive and productive initiatives taking place in condominiums, homeowners associations and cooperatives across Florida. This independently judged program enables the top communities in the state to promote their accomplishments and raise their profiles while documenting their success and enabling others to learn from their examples.
Firewise Community
The St. George Plantation Owners’ Association is proud to be a “Firewise” Community. The Firewise Communities Program encourages local solutions for safety by involving homeowners in taking individual responsibility for preparing their homes from the risk of wildfire. “Firewise” is a key component of Fire Adapted Communities – a collaborative approach that connects all those who play a role in wildfire education, planning and action with comprehensive resources to help reduce risk.
Elements of that program were incorporated into the Master Landscaping Plan (MLP) to help mitigate the dangers of wildfire to heavily wooded areas and often unoccupied second homes.
Florida Friendly Landscaping Program™
Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ is a set of nine guiding principles which help protect natural resources and preserve Florida’s unique beauty. After more than forty years of passive preservation, in 2011 the St. George Plantation Owners’ Association (SGPOA) embarked upon a long-term Master Landscaping Plan (MLP) for conservation and sustainability, incorporating principles of the Florida Friendly Landscaping Program (FFLP).