Free book-sharing is available to owners and guests of the Plantation. There are two Little Libraries located in the community. You’ll find an adult bookshelf in the Clubhouse’s main foyer, and a children’s bookshelf in the Resort Village Clubhouse.

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Free book-sharing is available to owners and guests of the Plantation. There are two Little Libraries located in the community. You’ll find an adult bookshelf in the Clubhouse’s main foyer, and a children’s bookshelf in the Resort Village Clubhouse.
Donations of books in good condition are always welcome. (Please no mass paperbacks, DVDs, magazines or inappropriate literature.) Just leave the books on one of the shelves. Feel free to borrow a book and take it home with you. Owners and guests are welcome to keep the book, bring it back, return it when finished, or pass it on. If shelves are full, please do not leave books on the floor. We appreciate your help in keeping our library spaces inviting and clean.
Another feature of our library is a shelf of jigsaw puzzles located across from the adult bookcase. Take one, and when possible, leave one. Donations of gently used puzzles are appreciated.
The little libraries are available when the buildings are open. Check with the office for current house. Stop by, borrow a book, and share a book.