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Architectural Review

The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) is a committee of owners who reviews all new construction and exterior changes to existing property or landscape for compliance with the Declaration of Covenants, particularly pages 13-23 pertaining to Architectural Review, and the St. George Plantation Design Guide. This committee, required by Florida Law, enforces community standards in order to protect owners in a private community

Please remember that ANY exterior improvements to any property, including refreshing existing driveways or repainting of the same colors on your home, require coordination through the ARC. Contact the ARC office at (850) 927-2312 ext. 202 or email [email protected] with any questions.

For quick reference, here is a list of the ARC Application Fees (click to expand):


The ARC recognizes that accomplishing home construction and improvement projects can be stressful for the homeowner. The Staff, ARC, and Consulting Review Architect (CRA) all have rigid timelines for processing documents, but unnecessary delays can occur if applications are not complete and deadlines are not met by the owner or his agent. Help us to make your Plantation projects as successful and stress-free as possible by following instructions and deadlines. We encourage you to contact The ARC with questions. Please see their contact information below.

Many of our owners rely on their contractors to submit the required forms. However, please note that the owner is ultimately responsible for the application and the performance of the work.

In order to provide consistent guidance to property owners, the SGPOA adopted a Design Guide and detailed procedures for making exterior improvements to homes and properties. The Architectural Review Committee members, along with SGPOA staff, oversee this operation. Unlike other committees, the ARC has final decision-making authority and meets monthly. This website provides instructions, forms, guidance, and deadlines necessary to move an owner’s project forward as quickly and painlessly as possible.

This is an example of the new sign for Plantation residences that will be installed over the next year. They match the professional signage of street signs but are created by our maintenance staff. The colors are the same as the street signs and the posts are 4x4s with etched top.

The post and house number are free. Panels for house titles or privacy signs are $20 each.

The Board of Directors have approved an updated Exterior Lighting Policy, effective 05/20/2020.

Please Note:  The Plantation adopted the “Florida-Friendly Landscaping Guide to Plant Selection” for all private and common property several years ago. If the plant is not on that list, which is very comprehensive, then owners are not permitted to use it.  This guide is created by the University of Florida IFAS Extension Service.  The legislature, which funds UF/IFAS to perform this service as well as maintain the list of invasive plants, adopted this guide for use throughout the state of Florida. For a copy of the Florida-Friendly Landscaping Guide, click here. For more information on The Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Program, visit the UF/IFAS Extension website.

Required ARC Application Fees, Performance Deposits, Forms, & Approvals

Ancillary Structures & Remodel of Home-Minor CRA

Adding gazebo, pergola, garage, carport, cargo lift; addition of non-conditioned wall space; conditioned space less than 300 ft2. Approval is required by Consulting Review Architect (Preliminary) and Architectural Review Committee.

Application Fee: $1,000 (non-refundable)
Performance Deposit: $2,500 (refundable)


Demolition of Existing Structure

Approval is required by Architectural Review Committee.

Application Fee: $0 (non-refundable)
Performance Deposit: $5,000 (refundable)

Required forms:

Emergency Situations

Health & safety or property damage (leaks, natural disasters). Approval is required by General Manager, Operations Administrator, and Security Director with ratification from Architectural Review Committee.

Application Fee: $0 (non-refundable)
Performance Deposit: $0 (refundable)

Required forms:

Fill More than 45 yd³

New home construction or  less than 45 yd³ if the layout changes. Approval is required by Architectural Review Committee.

Application Fee: $0 (non-refundable)
Performance Deposit: $500 (refundable)

Required forms:

Landscaping/Hardscape – Major

More than $1000 project total or adding pool, pool fencing, driveway aprons/pavers/changes; lighting; terraces and elevated decks; walks. Approval is required by Architectural Review Committee.

Application Fee: $250 (non-refundable)
Performance Deposit: $1,500 (refundable)


Landscaping – Minor

Irrigation well; or < $1000 project total; removing fewer than 5 live trees each > 3″ in diameter; adding small shrubs, low ground cover, and lighting. Approval is required by Architectural Review Committee.

Application Fee: $0 (non-refundable)
Performance Deposit: $0 (refundable)


Limited Clearing/Bush Hogging

Non-construction-related access is not to exceed 12′ in width and no more than 20% of the total lot area may be cleared. Does not apply to new construction. Approval is required by Architectural Review Committee.

Application Fee: $0 (non-refundable)
Performance Deposit: $500 (refundable)


New Home Construction

Separate application not required for pool, landscaping, driveway, fill if work done at the same time as home construction. Approval is required by Architectural Review Committee and Consulting Review Architect Preliminary.

Application Fee: $3,500 (non-refundable)
Performance Deposit: $15,000 (refundable)


Remodel of Home – Major

Addition of 300 ft² or > of conditioned space. Approval is required by Architectural Review Committee and Consulting Review Architect Preliminary.

Application Fee: $3,000 (non-refundable)
Performance Deposit: $10,000 (refundable)


Remodel of Home – Minor/ARC

Changes to roofing/siding material and/or color; exterior addition of porches, railings, decks, lighting, screen enclosures, stairs, hot tub; mechanical enclosures. Approval is required by Architectural Review Committee.

Application Fee: $0 (non-refundable)
Performance Deposit: $1,000 (refundable)


Routine Maintenance Fill (up to 45 cubic yards)

(includes driveway refreshes) For EXISTING layout only. Approval is required by an Operations Administrator.

Application Fee: $0
Performance Deposit: $0

Required forms:

Routine Maintenance (see Routine Maintenance Form for complete list)

Repairs to or periodic maintenance of the exterior of existing structures that do not change the exterior appearance of the structure. Examples: repainting exterior with same color; replacing deteriorating deck boards w/same material in existing color. Approval is not required.

Application Fee: $0
Performance Deposit: $0

Required forms:

Storm Shutters & Solar Panels

Approval is required by Architectural Review Committee.

Application Fee: $0
Performance Deposit: $0

Required forms:

Waste Treatment System

Replacing aerobic/septic system and/or drain field. Approval is required from an Operations Administrator and with ratification from the Architectural Review Committee.

Application Fee: $0
Performance Deposit: $0


Waterfront Structure

For Example: adding a dock, pier, boardwalk, boat-lift, breakwater, or dune walkover. Approval is required by Architectural Review Committee.

Application Fee: $0
Performance Deposit: $2,500


Scarred Right of Ways

Approval required by General Manager and Landscape Committee Chair.

Application Fee: $0
Performance Deposit: $0

Required forms:

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